Declaration of the House of Representatives, the movement against the Congress, Tesro Charan

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Declaration of the House of Representatives, the movement against the Congress, Tesro Charan


Kathmadoun Magha 13. Delegation of the House of Representatives: The Declaration of the Movement by the Buddhist Nepali Congress, Gereko Chha. The Central Committee meeting of the congress, Mangalbar Baseko, reviewing the program of the first and the second phase of Dosro Charan, the program of Teshro Charan should be announced.
Congress co-minister Dr. Prakasarnaran Mahatle was completed and reviewed the program of its struggle;

The movement of Tesro Charan was done for the Congress and the well-to-do organization, Congress Party. As per the 19 Magma fraternity organization, there was a 6-day screening of the leadership. Yesagiri 24 Maghama Shubhachuk Institution Leadership & 30 Gates Sabai Jillama Local Party Tehka Leadership Demonstration Garner Gariyako Sahitya Mantral Mahtale Hamrakurasang Bhune. Kathmadouanka has three district programs and joint planning.

The movement under the House of Representatives was organized under the first phase of the Congress Party. Under Yastai Dosro phase, 25 Pusma 330 State Assembly Constituency 3 Maghama 653 Local Tehka Palikama and 7 Maghma Deshrabhaka including 7 thousand 7373 Vadahruma protests were held.

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